Tuesday, March 4, 2008

An RPG Podcast, and My 15 Seconds (more like 2 seconds) of fame.

So, I need to tell you about some of the podcasts I listen to; but before I list out all of them, I need to highlight this one in particular. It's called "The Durham Three", and it's an RPG podcast involving a couple of my favorite game designers: Jason Morningstar, who wrote (among other things) The Shab-Al-Hiri Roach, and Clinton R. Nixon, who wrote The Shadow of Yesterday and The Princes' Kingdom. Yeah, sure, none of you readers have ever heard of them before (though I know a couple of you have played the Roach with me). That's not the important thing here.

They've been doing this podcast for a couple years now, though I only started listening a couple weeks ago. So in episode 21, way back in October of 2006, they're talking about 24 Hour RPGs, which is this site where anyone can write an RPG within a 24 hour period and post it to the site. There's all sorts of weird half-baked games there; mostly unplayable, but often with interesting fixes to problems, or sometimes they're just a way for the author to have written something and got it under their belt, y'know.

Anyway, so they're talking about the site and one of them says "Hey, recently someone wrote one of those based on As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner!" and the other guys are like "No way!" and he's all, "Yeah, there's totally an As I Lay Dying: The RPG!" and one of the guys says, "Hey, my turn [to GM] is coming up!" and they all laugh.

And of course, listening to the podcast, I was like YES!!!, because that As I Lay Dying RPG? It's called Lord Knows I Don't Begrudge Her It, and I was the one that wrote it.

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